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Cotton Daydream
June 26, 2013


No? Well, I do. A lot. It's not like I'm super worried about it, I think I have my head in the right place; my future right now looks pretty basic graduate university, get a job, build my career, etc etc. So it isn't so far fetched, humdrum. I'd be lying if I wasn't worried, just not that worried. As of right now, I'm still in this small  town, working on my Marketing Degree in a private University, freelancing and I guess that's it. I'm worried that I'm not able to travel the world, worried that I have little to no time to do life's adventures eg. camp and (delusionally) falling in love under the stars, Disneyland, bonfire, snowball fights + snowforts, looking forward to each four seasons, (awesome) roadtrips; which basically involves being outside of Malaysia.

I think the biggest dream that I have is to (hopefully + eventually) migrate out of Malaysia or Asia for that matter. It's not that I don't like it here. Just like every other Malaysian, mamak stalls are like our second home. But you know, despite our overrated diversity and culture, I've been influenced with the American culture ever since I could even remember. I have been brainwashed with the grand idea of the American dream and how the States offers anything anyone could ever dream of, which is one of the many reasons why I don't speak a word of any Chinese language... proficiently anyway. But right now, I don't even dare dream of ever making it to the USA, my best bet is Singapore. Also because somehow I just like the look of fence-less environments. Malaysia has tons of fences around everywhere in comparison with western countries or even Singapore (Side note: I am obviously aware that this is to prevent robbers etc.). Also, I like that signs are in English. I'm biased, everything English looks a thousand times better somehow. The US however, has tons of major crimes and natural disasters... which is very, very scary. Tornados, shootings, hostages, does it ever end?

I'm getting off topic here.

Sometimes I caught myself dwelling on the thought of my "timeline". Graduating in 201_, getting a job,... settling down? Where does "travel + adventure" fit in that equation? We simply have no time in this fast world and usually, the only time we get adventures is during our college years... Oh I guess I'm dead in that category then hm? The only adventure I get is via novels... which is probably the saddest thing you've ever read about someone lol.

As if that's not weighing me down enough, almost everyone I know looks down on those who don't go to popular Universities like Sunway or Taylor's or Inti... namely me. Seriously? Aren't we all out of high school, can't we just stop with the snobbish attitudes? Or when someone is not driving a Sedan or a 4WD car of a popular brand, we get the disappointed "oh." as a reply. Or when someone wears a nice but cheap piece of clothing that is not of a popular brand. Or when we're not using a smartphone. Or when we have not tried that charcoal burger everyone has been gloating about these couple of months. Or when we have not seen the latest movie in the cinema and people would be like "That movie was 239403 years ago! I can't believe you!" as if shunning you from the face of the Earth. Does that devalues us as a person or are you looking at standards here?

I try to see the brighter side of things though I have to admit it's hard seeing friends leave across the globe for their studies and each one of them gloating about how everything is going to be amazing over there. I mean, at least my parents could afford to put me in a private University. At least I'm not spending my after-high school years at a Tesco cashier somewhere. At least... at least I still have hope. Patience and perseverance helps.

So what if I'm not travelling across the world to pursue my education? So what if I'm not spending my Saturday afternoons in different states each time? So what if I'm not spending my birthday or Christmas in one of the biggest cities in the world? It just makes me work twice as hard than I have before given the fact that little is laid out before me and that I'd have to reach out and strive to get it myself.
I believe this just makes life more worthwhile.

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BY TRACY | 8:51 PM · 0 comments


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Tracy H. Wee (Tuh·ray·sea) — Est. 1993 • wanderlust // professional empty-elevator singer // highly opinionated >>


Graphite, watercolor, realism, etc.


Acoustic guitar
Basic French / Danish
Braces off
1. All Time Low
2. Avril Lavigne
3. Boys Like Girls
4. Glee
5. Paramore
6. Simple Plan
7. We The Kings
Cover a song
Disneyland, CA
Learn drums
MacBook Pro / White Unibody
Meet and Greet:
1. Boys Like Girls
2. Matt Bomer
3. Paramore
4. Simple Plan
Nike Free Run 5.0 (2015)
Paramore in Malaysia
Sell a physical art
Sell art online
Spend a night at the beach + bonfire
Start Wearing Retainers
Swim with dolphins
1. Amsterdam, NL.
2. New Zealand
3. AK / CA / FL / NY, USA
4. Australia
5. Switzerland
6. Greece
Watch: Marc Jacob's / Fossil's

All pictures posted are mine; otherwise stated. This blog layout is not for distribution.

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