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Cotton Daydream
October 16, 2014


I'm in no way discipline in writing blogs. If this was a real job, I'd be fired.
Well just wanted to get this post out there to show that I'm actually still killin' it and kickin' ass - and not particularly in that order.

I currently have Awkward S03E15 on pause for it to buffer up whilst also procrastinating on writing the Methodology part of my thesis proposal, which is actually a kinda big thing. My class is tomorrow and I've not written (or typed, specifically) down anything in regards to methodologies. This class is a pain in the ass, we are to write a frickin' 10,000 words thesis, which is kind of expected when you're a senior student in college. But it is still necessary to say that the class sucks. It is. It also makes me feel better to vent it out.

To recap my four months of blog-neglect, I was doing my 16 weeks (basically 4 months) internship at Groupon. And boy, was it amazing. I pinky promise I'll have a post up for it soon. And my classes started 5 weeks ago.

Welcome back, acne + stress. Boy, have I not missed you.

I thought I was on the road to acne-free and great skin. Guess not. The funny thing is, it breaks out only on the right side of my face.  Could it possibly be due to my bangs being parted on the left, leaving hair mostly on the right? I don't know.

I guess I should get back to my methodologies, frickin' research papers and literature. Frick.


BY TRACY | 11:15 PM · 0 comments


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Tracy H. Wee (Tuh·ray·sea) — Est. 1993 • wanderlust // professional empty-elevator singer // highly opinionated >>


Graphite, watercolor, realism, etc.


Acoustic guitar
Basic French / Danish
Braces off
1. All Time Low
2. Avril Lavigne
3. Boys Like Girls
4. Glee
5. Paramore
6. Simple Plan
7. We The Kings
Cover a song
Disneyland, CA
Learn drums
MacBook Pro / White Unibody
Meet and Greet:
1. Boys Like Girls
2. Matt Bomer
3. Paramore
4. Simple Plan
Nike Free Run 5.0 (2015)
Paramore in Malaysia
Sell a physical art
Sell art online
Spend a night at the beach + bonfire
Start Wearing Retainers
Swim with dolphins
1. Amsterdam, NL.
2. New Zealand
3. AK / CA / FL / NY, USA
4. Australia
5. Switzerland
6. Greece
Watch: Marc Jacob's / Fossil's

All pictures posted are mine; otherwise stated. This blog layout is not for distribution.

© 2015