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Cotton Daydream
September 20, 2011

19 September 2011; Monday

Part 1

Part 2

There's two ways I'd wear this outfit:
1. The nothing-special way lol
2. I'd tie a simple bun on the side of my shirt

I wore this to College and paired it up with a purple slip-on ballet flats-sneaker-ish shoe; which belongs to my sister haha
And obviously I can't be choosing option 2 for college so I just tuck in the front part of my shirt into my jeans... < if that makes sense.

AND YES! This is my first "lookbook-wannabe" post. ;)
I've been browsing Lookbook lately and ahmahgaaahd, so amazing and vintage. <3

Pictures taken with: Canon S95

Collage's color is edited with: Photoshop CS3

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BY TRACY | 12:16 AM · 0 comments


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Tracy H. Wee (Tuh·ray·sea) — Est. 1993 • wanderlust // professional empty-elevator singer // highly opinionated >>



Acoustic guitar
Basic French / Danish
Braces off
1. All Time Low
2. Avril Lavigne
3. Boys Like Girls
4. Glee
5. Paramore
6. Simple Plan
7. We The Kings
Cover a song
Disneyland, CA
Learn drums
MacBook Pro / White Unibody
Meet and Greet:
1. Boys Like Girls
2. Matt Bomer
3. Paramore
4. Simple Plan
Nike Free Run 5.0 (2015)
Paramore in Malaysia
Sell a physical art
Sell art online
Spend a night at the beach + bonfire
Start Wearing Retainers
Swim with dolphins
1. Amsterdam, NL.
2. New Zealand
3. AK / CA / FL / NY, USA
4. Australia
5. Switzerland
6. Greece
Watch: Marc Jacob's / Fossil's

All pictures posted are mine; otherwise stated. This blog layout is not for distribution.

© 2015