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Cotton Daydream
October 09, 2011


The line up was Hujan, Tres Empre, Dichi Michi, Busco, Oh Chentaku, Kyoto Protocol, They Will Kill Us All, Jason Lo, Deja Voodoo Spells, Monoloque, Love Me Butch, Twilight Actiongirl (DJ Set), Story of the Year, All Time Low, Pop Shuvit feat. Project E.A.R., Metalasia, Massacre Conspiracy, One Buck Short and The Used.

Michelle and I went to the event at 11-ish and got our wristband and ran straight in! :D
Because we were kinda scared to be at the back when All Time Low was coming on but when we got to the front, there were like around 20 - 30 people? And they're not even rushing to the front. Hahaha
So we turned back and got to the merch store (or you could say tent lol) and bought us some All Time Low shirt. Though we were kinda short on cash (we brought along $300).
Each All Time Low shirt (There were only two designs) costs $90. We bought both designs. :) We really wanted a Rockaway shirt too but we decided if there was still left after the event was over, we'd buy it.
So then Hujan and Tres Empre played:

One of Hujan's member doing a screamo lol

Tres Empre lead singer

And then it rained. So a few of us smartasses went inside the air-conditioned tent (which is 18 yrs and above only, because they were dealing ciggs inside) where there's games and ... yeah, games. But some of them didn't wanna lose their front spot so they stood there, in the rain. The rest of the crowd however ran straight back to the exit and got sandwiched by everyone who squeeze in under those 3 tents. lol hilarious.

Me showing off my All Time Low shirt ;)'s Ryan Matjeraie and Jinn appeared on stage! 

When the rain "subsided", all of us ran back to our spot and I didn't get my front spot anymore but all is well... ;) Because Ryan and Jinn wanted to know which side has the loudest cheer. And Ryan did this gesture with his hand saying "The ones on my left are on my team!" And the girl infront of me decided to move to her right, making a space for me to squeeze in to the front, and voila. ;D

Dichi Michi performing

Lead singer of Busco. 

He threw his guitar pick at us and I caught it! ;)

And in the air-conditioned tent, we made friends with 4 people. lol
One of them were June and her brother!
This is a pic of Michelle and June:

The greatest drumroll in the world (According to Ryan and Jinn): The sound of the slap against Ryan's tummy.

5th act: Oh Chentaku

Ryan on stage again. But this time, as Captain Rockaway!

Next, Kyoto Protocol takes the stage!

They Will Kill Us All

Jason Lo! One of the best local artist on stage.

Captain Rockaway succeeded in crowd surfing.

Deja Voodoo Spells

Monoloque taking the stage

Love Me Butch lead singer

The crowd is now really full because STORY OF THE YEAR is coming up real soon! :D

Twilight Actiongirl (DJ Set)

Look who's chillin' at the international acts tent? RIAN DAWSON OF ALL TIME LOW that is!

The next act is Story of the Year! ;)
The crowd really went wild for this one.
I got shoved to the fence which was right infront of me. And my boobs (lol) got pushed and shoved against it, and I can honestly say, I don't have the biggest size in that department and this shoving and pushing wasn't helping at all. Hahahaa.

And then Alex of All Time Low made an earlier appearance on stage as the guitarist!

After Story of the Year's one hour performance, it was break time! 30 minutes to get hydrated before All Time Low takes the stage!

The crew setting up for All Time Low's performance

Me and Ryan Matjeraie, a photo we took during break time. ;)



Alex explained that Zack Merrick (my favourite member of the band) can't make it to the show because he had to attend a friend's wedding :(
And due to technical difficulties, they can't perform lots of songs cutting down their stage time to 40/45 minutes instead of an hour. *sadface*
Anyhoo, here are some of the pictures:

Couldn't get much of Rian because he was at the back and it's dark!

Alex got down from stage!

Going really close to the crowd!; So close yet so far from me!

Alex got really close to my side of the crowd (above picture)! If he were to come to me probably 1 feet more, I'd be able to touch him but for now I'm forever haunt with this picture that he was so close yet so far! :(

The guitar pick that I caught!

And since we came here mainly to see All Time Low, we left and got to the back of the place. ;)
We got to cross over the fence in front of us to get out which I always secretly loved doing at every concert. And this time, some dude hoisted me up to get over the high fence yay.

Next act, Pop Shuvit feat. Project E.A.R:

I like this balloon. lol

This event was held from 12PM till 12PM, at the Carpark A, Bukit Jalil National Stadium.

Pictures taken with: Canon S95
*The pictures shown here are the best pick out of 300 other pictures.

 All pictures belongs to me (c)opyright 

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BY TRACY | 7:31 PM · 0 comments


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Tracy H. Wee (Tuh·ray·sea) — Est. 1993 • wanderlust // professional empty-elevator singer // highly opinionated >>


Graphite, watercolor, realism, etc.


Acoustic guitar
Basic French / Danish
Braces off
1. All Time Low
2. Avril Lavigne
3. Boys Like Girls
4. Glee
5. Paramore
6. Simple Plan
7. We The Kings
Cover a song
Disneyland, CA
Learn drums
MacBook Pro / White Unibody
Meet and Greet:
1. Boys Like Girls
2. Matt Bomer
3. Paramore
4. Simple Plan
Nike Free Run 5.0 (2015)
Paramore in Malaysia
Sell a physical art
Sell art online
Spend a night at the beach + bonfire
Start Wearing Retainers
Swim with dolphins
1. Amsterdam, NL.
2. New Zealand
3. AK / CA / FL / NY, USA
4. Australia
5. Switzerland
6. Greece
Watch: Marc Jacob's / Fossil's

All pictures posted are mine; otherwise stated. This blog layout is not for distribution.

© 2015