Here's to first times - even for shopping hauls! I am so excited about this purchase that I almost checked the FedEx shipment schedule every waking minute... It was worth it. And, they came a day earlier than approximated, which is frickin' awesome.
So I recently received a 30% OFF coupon code from
Cotton On and I
just had to splurge but without the help of my sister, who undoubtedly loves Cotton On as well as I do, I could not have reached the minimum MYR250 mark for free shipping. Phew, otherwise I had to spend an additional MYR43 just to ship these items from Singapore! The reason why we chose to purchase these online rather than in-stores was because of the way these items are priced. Some were priced higher at the mall while some had better bundle deals online. Plus, I don't have to tirelessly find my size (XXS and XS') which is unquestionably hard to get.
Our total was: MYR 343.05; Mine alone was
1— Playsuit / Rompers.
Sale items.
2— Crop tops.
L-R: Discounted; Sale item.
3— Neck pillow.
Sale item.
4— Panties.
Sale items.
5— Swim bottoms.
Sale item.
6— Passport holder.
Discounted item.
You know, given my first shopping experience with their online store, I am pretty happy with what arrived and the condition it was in. They arrived in a well-packaged box with air-packets surrounding the not-even fragile items. I love it. I love how much care is taken into shipping them regardless of the fact that they were 99% fabric and would not break. Almost all items were packed in their individual plastic packaging and all came in perfect condition, obviously minus the wrinkles. All original tags are also intact. They also include two separate and different invoices.

However (cue dun dun dunnn), my sister and I received a total of two items wrongly or rather, what was pictured on the website does not match what we received even though the skirt is a skirt and my passport holder is definitely is, a passport holder. Let's talk about mine: My passport holder came lookin' good on the outside but I felt totally misled on the inside. On the website it shows a passport holder that has slits for credit cards, etc. but over here, it is merely a sleeve for the passport. Not what I was looking for. :(
Good news is that in-store returns / exchange / refunds are now available and I'm planning to exchange one of my crop top to one size up and probably return and refund my passport holder. The form for that is at the back of every invoice paper. Bad news is, the passport holder is by Typo, a sub-division brand of Cotton On and I can only refund / return / exchange Typo items at Typo outlets... And the nearest one is in the 1U mall. Ugh.
Oh well, not that any of these 'wrong' items would stop me from ever shopping online at Cotton On again (however the shipping cost will. I can NOT wait for when they have a storage facility in Malaysia and shipping would be cheaper!). Ratings by me personally would be 4/5. 1 star off for false advertising on the website vs. items delivered and received.
Last note: Please hide my card. I smell another haul soon.
[EDIT:] Turns out I didn't fully realize the crop top I wanted to exchange sizes for is a sale item and therefore could not be exchanged. Which sucks, because I do understand that refunds aren't allowed because they'd want to clear the stocks but I'm just changing sizes which makes no difference in the stock count. Just sayin'.
However, I did get a refund on my passport holder. Which is great even if I had to go all the way to Damansara for it.
Pic taken with Canon1200D. Edited in Photoshop CS3.
Labels: Haul, newthings, shopaholic
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